Here are the Entities that are in the list we have: Sample script at the bottom.
ITEM = "Item"
LEASHKNOT = "LeashKnot"
PAINTING = "Painting"
ARROW = "Arrow"
SNOWBALL = "Snowball"
FIREBALL = "Fireball"
SMALLFIREBALL = "SmallFireball"
THROWNENDERPEARL = "ThrownEnderpearl"
THROWNPOTION = "ThrownPotion"
ITEMFRAME = "ItemFrame"
WITHERSKULL = "WitherSkull"
PRIMEDTNT = "PrimedTnt"
FALLINGSAND = "FallingSand"
ARMORSTAND = "ArmorStand"
BOAT = "Boat"
MINECARTRIDEABLE = "MinecartRideable"
MINECARTCHEST = "MinecartChest"
MINECARTFURNACE = "MinecartFurnace"
MINECARTHOPPER = "MinecartHopper"
MINECARTSPAWNER = "MinecartSpawner"
MOB = "Mob"
MONSTER = "Monster"
CREEPER = "Creeper"
SKELETON = "Skeleton"
SPIDER = "Spider"
GIANT = "Giant"
ZOMBIE = "Zombie"
SLIME = "Slime"
GHAST = "Ghast"
PIGZOMBIE = "PigZombie"
ENDERMAN = "Enderman"
CAVESPIDER = "CaveSpider"
SILVERFISH = "Silverfish"
BLAZE = "Blaze"
LAVASLIME = "LavaSlime"
ENDERDRAGON = "EnderDragon"
WITHERBOSS = "WitherBoss"
BAT = "Bat"
WITCH = "Witch"
ENDERMITE = "Endermite"
GUARDIAN = "Guardian"
PIG = "Pig"
SHEEP = "Sheep"
COW = "Cow"
CHICKEN = "Chicken"
SQUID = "Squid"
WOLF = "Wolf"
MUSHROOMCOW = "MushroomCow"
SNOWMAN = "SnowMan"
OZELOT = "Ozelot"
VILLAGERGOLEM = "VillagerGolem"
HORSE = "EntityHorse"
RABBIT = "Rabbit"
VILLAGER = "Villager"
ENDERCRYSTAL = "EnderCrystal"
PLAYER = "(ThePlayer)"
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
Pos = mc.player.getPos()
id = mc.spawnEntity("EntityHorse", Pos.x + 2, Pos.y, Pos.z,)# "{NoAI:1}")
mc.postToChat('A horse!')
As you see I commented out the "{NoAI:1}" part. Seems the NoAI is just what it says, no artificial intelligence associated with this mod. The students wanted to create a horse they could ride and see inventory so that is why. Now it spawns a white horse with the freedom to run and play :)
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